Enel plans for October listing of renewables business
Italian utility Enel is preparing to press ahead with a listing of its renewables business, in a bid to reduce its debts.
Clean-tech venture capital investment hits record $4bn
Global venture capital investment in clean-tech firms hit record levels in the first half of 2010, with investment totalling more than $4 billion, preliminary figures reveal.
Spain wind, thermal solar reform won’t harm industry
Industry experts say Spanish government plans to cut premiums paid to wind facilities and delay the commissioning of solar thermal plants are unlikely to have a significant effect on the sectors.
Carbon market volumes down, opinions split on value
Fresh data shows volumes traded in the global carbon market fell by up to 10% in the first half of this year compared to the first half of 2009. However, data was less clear on whether the value of the market had gained or lost ground.
US investors file record number of climate resolutions
Investors are increasing pressure on US and Canadian companies to pay attention to climate change risks and opportunities, filing a record number of shareholder resolutions in 2010.
European power plants win reprieve on emissions
The European Parliament voted overwhelmingly on Wednesday to adopt the Industrial Emissions Directive, after agreeing a compromise position that will give power plants extra time to comply with stricter levels for air pollution.
Private equity a ‘success’ for responsible investment – USS
The rapid embrace by the private equity sector of responsible investment (RI) principles marks a clear success for the approach to investing, according to a leading specialist.
EPA SOx and NOx rules ‘vulnerable’ to legal challenge
The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has carefully crafted a replacement for the embattled Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) to address court objections to the programme, but the proposed rule is still vulnerable to legal challenges, experts said.
Billions for US solar, but slow take-off seen for market
President Barack Obama has pledged almost $2 billion in solar loan guarantees, but a bank report sees modest short-term growth in the US market, despite its potential.
SO2 market slumps on EPA plan
Sulphur dioxide (SO2) prices tumbled after the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) proposed replacing the Clean Air Interstate Rule (CAIR) with a programme that severely limits the role of interstate emissions trading.
Senate Green Bank proposal wins plaudits
Advocates of a Green Bank in the US have swung behind the Senate’s proposed legislation, in a renewed push this week for passage.
Drax considers biomass conversion
Western Europe’s largest coal-fired power plant is planning to convert one of its six generators entirely to biomass – but warned this will only be possible if the UK government changes its policy framework to support such projects.
European grid operators spell out 10-year renewables plan
A 10-year proposal to develop the European electricity grid will require €23 billion-28 billion ($29 billion-$35 billion) investment within the first five years.
Tesla shrugs off doubts, races to $226m IPO
In a positive sign for the clean-tech sector, newly listed electric car maker Tesla Motors has shaken the tin for more than $200 million while debut trading saw its share price race ahead.
Renewable incentive cuts make sense: experts
Renewable energy commentators say reductions to European incentives schemes are unlikely to be as deep as feared, but argue that there is strong justification for the cuts.
US Ex-Im flip-flops on giant Indian coal project
The US Export-Import Bank has said it will reconsider financing a controversial Indian coal project – only days after rejecting it on grounds of its climate impact.
Equator Principles introduces rules on expulsion
The Equator Principles secretariat has introduced governance rules which, for the first time, set out criteria that allow it to expel signatory banks from the voluntary social and environmental risk guidelines.
Biorefineries have big role in fight against climate change – WEF
Biorefineries – facilities that convert biomass into fuel, energy, chemicals and materials – have a major role to play in combating climate change, says a World Economic Forum (WEF) report.
Germany eyes $500 million for public-private climate fund
Germany has launched a 'climate protection' fund to help local banks invest in energy efficiency and renewables for small businesses and households in developing countries, seeding it with more than $100 million.
New funds to boost exposure to carbon-efficient companies
A British investment company has become the latest to offer carbon-orientated funds that aim to promote “traditional investment with a carbon tilt”.
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